Studia I i II stopnia oraz jednolite studia magisterskie - 2024/2025

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Painting, Full-time, 2nd Degree

Kod 09-MA-M
Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Sztuki
Kierunek studiów Painting
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Drugiego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 1,5 roku
Adres komisji rekrutacyjnej ul. Waszyngtona 4/8,
42-200 Częstochowa, pok. 608,
tel. +48 797 910 477,
Adres WWW
Wymagany dokument
  • Wykształcenie wyższe
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Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

(pokaż minione tury)

Available specialisations:

  • easel painting
  • painting in architecture and urbanism

The Painting 2nd Degree Programme prepares graduates for independent artistic work as well as for active participation in the existing art market.

The programme prepares graduates to play the role of an animator of culture-creating activities, a coordinator and participant of projects in the area of culture and art, an independent, critical and ethical artist.

The aim of  2nd Degree Programme is to shape the awareness of the need for a constant and continuous: improvement of one's artistic skill, personality, creativity, and search for one's place in a dynamically changing reality.

The syllabus, built on the basis of the educational standards required for a 2nd Degree in Painting, consciously combines the latest research in the field of broadly understood painting (new media, scenography, graphics, photography, intermedia, and the basics of interior design) with classic easel and architectural painting techniques, technical skills and a broad knowledge of art history.

Teaching Methods are based on creating mechanisms of encouragement and conditions for the active participation of students in scientific and artistic activities outside the University (the organization of exhibitions, conferences of students and young academics, support for the activities of student groups)

Students are encouraged to participate in foreign exchange programmes e.g. within the Erasmus Program with such universities as:

  • The University of Koblenz-Landau in Germany
  • Catholic University of Ružomberok in Slovakia
  • The Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica
  • The University of Zadar in Croatia
  • The University of Rijeka
  • The Art and Design University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • The Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, Italy
  • The Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara
  • The University of Ostrava
  • The Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts
  • Lviv National Academy of Arts
  • The Transcarpathian Art Institute
  • Hue University, Vietnam
  • Yanshan University, China
  • Tunis University

The faculty staff actively cooperate with international, foreign and domestic institutions of science, culture and art in Germany, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Romania, Czechia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, China, Canada and the USA, both with governmental agencies and with local governments.

Faculty members organize or co-organize many artistic events of international, national and local character (such as international plein-airs, exhibitions, creative workshops, symposiums and conferences).


The graduating student of the Faculty of Painting will receive the professional title of magister sztuki (English equivalent: Master of Arts) specialization: easel painting or painting in architecture and urbanism.

They will be qualified painters, have broad artistic skills and the ability to express themselves creatively in painting and the visual arts. They know and understand contemporary media and their functions and importance in art, culture and society. They have an in-depth knowledge of classical and contemporary painting and drawing techniques and their technologies. They can use old and new techniques as means of artistic expression, depending on the assumed creative concept.

They have a thorough and broad knowledge of the theory and history of painting and art history, the ability to analyse and critically evaluate various phenomena of art in historical and contemporary terms.

They are prepared to do independent, creative work in the field of culture and art with a formed ethical and moral attitude and an individual artistic attitude.

The graduate has the ability to verbalize, describe, classify phenomena, tendencies and trends in culture. They have the ability to integrate the acquired knowledge in order to solve non-standard problems in an organized and comprehensive way.

They can initiate both solo and joint projects, organise and manage teamwork, build contacts with cultural institutions, acquire partners for artistic undertakings and funds for the realisation of their artistic endeavours. They are able to present complex tasks in an accessible and comprehensible format.

They know and understand basic terms and principles of industrial property protection and copyright law as well as the necessity of intellectual property management.

They are prepared to undertake third degree (doctoral) studies.

Qualification criteria

Education Requirements:

  • A higher education diploma in the field of painting or a related field of study or another licencjat/bachelor's degree or a magister/master's degree in a related field of study or a degree in other fields of study.
  • A qualifying interview in the form of a videoconference combined with a review of works (100% of total score).

Expectations towards the candidate:

Portfolio should include:

  • candidates biography (maximum 1000 characters),
  • artworks made in various techniques,
  • to the portfolio could be included films and animations.

Portfolio should be prepared in a single pdf file (films and animations should be inserted as hyperlink) candidate could put links to his online gallery or www pages.

Single file must not exceed 40MB.