Studia I i II stopnia oraz jednolite studia magisterskie - 2024/2025

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Computer Science, Full-time, 2nd Degree

Kod 07-IA-M
Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Nauk Ścisłych, Przyrodniczych i Technicznych
Kierunek studiów Computer Science
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Drugiego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 1,5 roku
Wymagany dokument
  • Wykształcenie wyższe
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Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

(pokaż minione tury)

The educational objective of second-degree studies with a practical profile in the field of Computer Science is to prepare specialists possessing advanced knowledge and skills in the field of programming and creating computer games. Therefore, second-degree studies in the field of Computer Science offer two specializations: Programming and Creating computer games.

The curriculum, developed in cooperation with business representatives, is designed in a way that guarantees the education of comprehensively prepared specialists who will have competences enabling them to dynamically enter the labor market and take the position of leaders of task and management teams in domestic enterprises from the broadly understood IT sector.

Programming specialization. The programming specialization was created for students interested in both practical skills in software engineering as well as knowledge concerning theoretical basics of computer science, including algorithms supporting the programming process and mathematical basics of cryptography. Thanks to it, the graduate will gain experience in creating practical IT solutions based on modern languages and programming technologies. The specialization will also allow to deepen the knowledge of object-oriented programming, compiler design and principles of ensuring the security of computer systems. In addition, the graduate will acquire additional knowledge and skills in the field of functional programming, data mining, business application programming, cloud computing technology and methods of managing IT projects enabling teamwork. A graduate of the programming specialization will possess skills in the field of creating, developing and implementing IT systems, which will ensure a good position on the labour market.

A graduate of the programming specialization is a qualified:

  • tester and programmer,
  • software architect,
  • back-end developer,
  • specialist in the production, implementation, and development of modern software.

Creating computer games specialization. Computer games are currently one of the most recognizable Polish export goods. Although the title of the Polish gaming capital belongs to Katowice and it is there that numerous companies related to computer graphics and the computer games industry have their offices and branches, Częstochowa is the most important urban centre located in the northern subregion of the Silesian Voivodeship, which is dynamically developing and becoming a competitive counterweight to the offer of Katowice and the Upper Silesian Metropolis. Hence, the idea of providing graduates with the creating computer games specialization, which was created to teach practical skills and develop competences in the field of designing and programming computer games, including designing interfaces for games, ways of using and operating engines to simulate a specific scene, methods of modeling and animating 2D and 3D objects, designing 3D scenes that will be physically simulated, programming games for mobile devices, using artificial intelligence methods and algorithms in games. The curriculum focuses on the subjects related to computer and multimedia graphics, in particular: designing and programming graphics for the needs of games, proper sounding in games, designing augmented reality (AR) and programming virtual reality (VR). A graduate of this major is able to practically use the latest technologies in computer graphics and multimedia and quickly adapt to market requirements and needs.

We guarantee:

  • Practical profile of the classes (laboratory and exercise classes).
  • Extensive contacts with potential employers, including in the field of internships and apprenticeships - we provide 3-month internships.
  • Staff with high teaching qualifications, practical and significant scientific achievements.
  • A modern and constantly developed teaching base.
  • Laboratory classes that take place in modern laboratories in small groups - max. 12 people.
  • Access to the well-equipped University Library, Internet databases and the faculty's computer lab.
  • Possibility of part of studies at partner universities under the Erasmus+ program.
  • Scholarships and accommodation at the Student House.
  • Development of interests through activity in the Scientific Association of Students of the the Faculty of Science and Technology.
  • Nice and friendly atmosphere conducive to studying, based on direct contact between the student and the lecturer.

Qualification criteria

English language certificate – level B2 (Common European Framework), a bachelor's degree in the field of study in discipline of computer science or information technology and telecommunications, and competences necessary to continue education at second-cycle studies in the field of computer science. In particular, the candidate should:

  • know advanced programming constructs,
  • have detailed knowledge of structural and object-oriented design and programming,
  • be familiar with typical algorithm design techniques and classical data structures,
  • have knowledge in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer graphics,
  • be able to write, run, debug, and test programs in a chosen programming environment, utilizing an understanding of programming paradigms.

The qualification is based on a ranking list prepared on the basis of the arithmetic mean of all grades obtained during the first-cycle studies, specified in the diploma supplement.