Studia I i II stopnia oraz jednolite studia magisterskie - 2024/2025

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Physics, Full-time, 2nd Degree

Kod 07-FA-M
Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Nauk Ścisłych, Przyrodniczych i Technicznych
Kierunek studiów Physics
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Drugiego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 2 lata
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(pokaż minione tury)

Specializations (specialization selection during recruitment):

  • Nanophysics and Nanomaterials
  • Radiation Protection in Medicine *

 * after approval by the Study Curriculum Determination Council

Professional title awarded: Master of Science in Physics.

Second-cycle studies in physics last 2 years (4 semesters) and are designed to impart expanded knowledge of physics based on a thorough foundation of mathematical and natural sciences, as well as knowledge in the field of a selected specialization. They develop skills of reasoning and accurate description of physical phenomena, use of modern measurement apparatus and technical diagnostic systems. The studies shape the skills of gathering, processing and transferring information in the field of natural sciences, in particular physical and technical sciences. Graduates of this course are also prepared to take up third degree studies. Depending on the chosen specialization, graduates acquire skills desirable for various professions.

The proposed specialization in Nanophysics and Nanomaterials is an innovation in the Physics Department, which meets modern trends. Nanostructures, composite and mesoscopic materials give rise to technologies implemented in specialized industrial laboratories and have applications in electronics and optoelectronics. The aim of the specialization is to educate young people in the field of technical physics with professional knowledge of solid-state physics, modern materials (with industrial applications) and their structural, electronic, optical and magnetic properties. Hence the important role of educating physicists with a thorough technical and specialist background, ready to implement research projects. This will enable the graduates to undertake professional work in electronic and electrotechnical plants related to modern technology.

The classes within the specialization start from the 2nd semester of studies. They mainly concern issues related to e.g. physics of semiconductor materials, physics of magnetic materials, interaction of radiation with matter, spectroscopic methods, nanophysics, physics of composite materials, numerical modelling of solids. In laboratory classes, they will get acquainted with basic methods of manufacturing and testing nanometric materials. Students interested in future work in industry have the opportunity to realise foreign internships in renowned industrial laboratories within the Erasmus+ programme.

Graduates of the Nanophysics and Nanomaterials specialisation will have the ability to analyse research and design problems concerning nanomaterials. Moreover, they will be acquainted with modern research methods of solid-state physics that enable testing of modern nanomaterials. The unique value of the graduate of this specialisation will be the ability to theoretically model structures of composite materials and analyse their physical properties. The combination of theoretical and practical knowledge will enable graduates to work in teams of specialists in research laboratories of industrial companies offering the use of modern technologies. Graduates are fluent in English and gain experience of working in industry.

Graduates of this specialization can find employment:

  • as specialists in the study and modelling of nanostructures, composite and mesoscopic materials,
  • as specialists involved in the implementation of nanostructures in specialized industrial laboratories,
  • in electronic and electrotechnical plants implementing modern industrial technologies,
  • Graduates of this specialization are potential candidates for doctoral studies in solid state physics.

Studies on the specialization Radiation Protection in Medicine* are addressed to persons who have completed first-cycle studies with specialization in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection in the field of Physics or have completed studies in related fields related to physics or dosimetry of ionizing radiation.

Subjects related to the speciality are realized during the first and second year of studies. Within the framework of the specialization, students will acquire the knowledge necessary to work in health care units that use ionizing radiation for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Practical classes on supervising compliance with radiological protection rules in medical units will be carried out in cooperation with hospitals and local medical facilities.

The graduate of the specialization will gain additional knowledge and skills in the field of radiological protection and ionizing radiation dosimetry, which will allow her/him to work in private and public institutions dealing with radiological monitoring and supervision. Workplaces may include laboratories controlling individual doses, medical facilities conducting diagnostics and treatment using ionizing radiation, and research units conducting research using radioactive substances administered to humans and animals.

The acquired knowledge and skills will allow to take the state exam for a Radiation Protection Inspector competent for medical activities, without the need to participate in specialized training, after prior approval by the authority competent to grant qualifications.

Graduates of this specialization can find employment in:

  • health care units using ionizing radiation for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes;
  • companies that distribute and service devices containing radioactive sources or producing ionizing radiation for medical purposes;
  • facilities producing and distributing radiopharmaceuticals for medical purposes;
  • on research units conducting experimental research using ionizing radiation for medical purposes.

Qualification criteria

Education Requirements:

English language certificate – level B2 (Common European Framework), bachelor's degree in physics or another related field of study at least of the first-cycle (a related field is a field of study assigned to the field of exact and natural sciences in the discipline of physical sciences), and competences necessary to continue education at second-cycle studies in the field of Physics. The candidate in particular should:

  • know the basic physical phenomena occurring in nature;
  • have the ability to solve physical tasks and problems;
  • have the ability to perform and analyze simple physical measurements.

The qualification is based on a ranking list prepared on the basis of the arithmetic mean of all grades obtained during the first-cycle studies, specified in the diploma supplement.

The verification of the candidate's qualifications and competences is carried out by the Team for the Quality of Education for physics. The final decision is made by the Faculty Recruitment Commission after consultation with the Chairman of the Team for the Quality of Education within the time limit resulting from the recruitment schedule.

In the case of candidates who have not obtained the learning outcomes required for a given second-cycle course of study, they may apply for admission to studies if it is possible to supplement the missing effects of the knowledge, skills and social competences by realizing paid subjects specified as program differences to realize.

Competition of higher education diplomas.