Physics, Full-time, 1st Degree

W mocy od: 23 maja 2022

Zasady kwalifikacji

Qualification criteria


Criteria for secondary school exit exam concerning the so-called "new matura" (Exam from 2005 and subsequent years)

  • the secondary school-leaving examination exam 2005 and subsequent years result of the “Novel-school certificate”: secondary school-leaving certificate,
  • if the number of candidates exceeds the number of places, the admission is made according to the ranking list created on the basis of the secondary school-leaving certificate competition - weighted average of three subjects (results obtained at the secondary school-leaving examination; basic or extended level - extended level with bonus 2):
    • chemistry or physics or mathematics - weight 0,5
    • mathematics or computer science or chemistry  - weight 0,3
    • modern foreign language - weight 0,2

The result of the exam in mathematics can only be taken into account once.

  • English language – level B2 (Common European Framework).


Criteria for secondary school exit exam concerning the so-called "old matura" (under the old system)

The result of the exam in mathematics can only be taken into account once.