Studia I i II stopnia oraz jednolite studia magisterskie - 2024/2025

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Physics, Full-time, 1st Degree

Kod 07-FA-L
Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Nauk Ścisłych, Przyrodniczych i Technicznych
Kierunek studiów Physics
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Pierwszego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 3 lata
Godziny otwarcia sekretariatu 8.00 - 15.00
Adres WWW
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  • Matura lub dokument równoważny
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(pokaż minione tury)

 Specializations (specialization selection during recruitment): 

  • Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection *
  • Nanotechnology 

 * after approval by the Study Curriculum Determination Council


 Professional title awarded:  Bachelor of Physics.

 The aim of undergraduate studies in Physics is to provide students with general knowledge in the field of physics based on solid foundations in mathematical and natural sciences, as well as knowledge in the chosen specialization. The studies develop skills in understanding and accurately describing physical phenomena, teach the use of modern measuring equipment and technical diagnostic systems. The studies shape skills in gathering, processing, and transmitting information in the field of natural sciences, especially physics and technology. A graduate of the Physics program is proficient in a foreign language at an intermediate-advanced level (B2 proficiency level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), and can also use technical foreign language. Therefore, special emphasis is placed on acquiring specialized language skills in the field of physics during the education process. Depending on the chosen specialization, graduates acquire skills desired for various professions. Students have the opportunity to receive scholarships under the Erasmus+ program. A graduate of the Physics program at the first cycle is prepared to continue their education in the second cycle in the field of Physics.

 Studies in the Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection* specialization enable the acquisition of knowledge and skills in general physics, as well as professional knowledge and skills necessary for employment in the private and public sectors, related to supervising compliance with radiological protection requirements in units performing activities involving the use, production, processing, and handling of radioactive sources, production and commissioning of equipment containing such sources, and devices generating ionizing radiation. The first two semesters cover general education in the exact sciences. The study of specialization subjects begins in the 3rd semester. During classes in specialization subjects, students will receive theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for work as a radiological protection inspector. Emphasis will be placed on the practical aspects of the discussed issues, enabling students to gain the required practical experience in radiation exposure. A graduate of this specialization has skills that enable them to work in research institutions, industrial facilities, development centers, and facilities dealing with radioactive materials on a daily basis and/or conducting radiological monitoring. The studies also prepare for work in future nuclear facilities as personnel responsible for radiological supervision and operation of positions crucial for ensuring nuclear safety and radiological protection. Completion of the studies exempts from the need for additional training and allows for taking the state examination for Radiological Protection Inspector after prior approval by the President of the State Atomic Energy Agency. Graduates of this specialization may find employment in: 

  • government agencies responsible for nuclear supervision;
  • metallurgical and mining industries;
  • research units using ionizing radiation;
  • institutions dealing with dose control and calibration of dosimetric devices;
  • institutions dealing with testing the tightness of radioactive sources;
  • companies providing services in the preparation of shielding projects for isotopic, X-ray, and accelerator laboratories;
  • companies providing services in supervising compliance with radiological protection principles for facilities operating in radiation exposure.

 The Nanotechnology specialization in the Physics program is designed to meet the interests of young people wishing to pursue an attractive career in the European market. The aim of this specialization is to educate graduates in the field of physics with professional knowledge in solid-state physics, modern materials on a nanometric scale (with industrial applications), and their structural, electronic, optical, and magnetic properties. The first-cycle full-time studies in Physics last for 3 years (6 semesters). Specialization classes begin in the 3rd semester of studies. They mainly cover topics related to the physical foundations of nanotechnology, nanostructure technology, and computational nanotechnology. In addition to lectures and seminars, students also participate in laboratory classes, where they familiarize themselves with methods of nanostructure fabrication and structural research.

  A graduate of the Nanotechnology specialization has skills in: 

  • analyzing research problems related to nanomaterials;
  • modern research methods of solid-state physics enabling the testing of modern nanomaterials;
  • theoretical modeling of composite material structures and analysis of their physical properties;
  • working in a team of specialists in research laboratories of industrial plants offering the use of modern technologies. 


Graduates of this specialization can find employment domestically and abroad in: 

  • specialized industrial and research laboratories;
  • emerging companies implementing innovative technologies;
  • science and technology parks;
  • advanced technology centers.

 Graduates of the Physics program can also find employment in: 

  • research and scientific institutions,
  • industries requiring knowledge in the exact sciences.



Qualification criteria


Criteria for secondary school exit exam concerning the so-called "new matura" (Exam from 2005 and subsequent years)

  • the secondary school-leaving examination exam 2005 and subsequent years result of the “Novel-school certificate”: secondary school-leaving certificate,
  • if the number of candidates exceeds the number of places, the admission is made according to the ranking list created on the basis of the secondary school-leaving certificate competition - weighted average of three subjects (results obtained at the secondary school-leaving examination; basic or extended level - extended level with bonus 2):
    • chemistry or physics or mathematics - weight 0,5
    • mathematics or computer science or chemistry  - weight 0,3
    • modern foreign language - weight 0,2

The result of the exam in mathematics can only be taken into account once.

  • English language – level B2 (Common European Framework).


Criteria for secondary school exit exam concerning the so-called "old matura" (under the old system)

  • the secondary school-leaving examination concerns the so-called „Old high-school certificate”: secondary school-leaving certificate
  • if the number of candidates exceeds the number of places, admissions are made according to the ranking list created on the basis of the secondary school-leav-ing certificate competition - weighted average of three subjects (highest marks from secondary school-leaving certificate):
    • chemistry or biology or physics or mathematics or computer science or geography - weight 0,5
    • Polish language or mathematics - weight 0,3
    • modern foreign language - weight 0,2

The result of the exam in mathematics can only be taken into account once.

  • English language – level B2 (Common European Framework).