Studia I i II stopnia oraz jednolite studia magisterskie - 2024/2025

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Chemistry, Full-time, 2nd Degree

Kod 07-CA-M
Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Nauk Ścisłych, Przyrodniczych i Technicznych
Kierunek studiów Chemistry
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Drugiego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 2 lata
Wymagany dokument
  • Wykształcenie wyższe
  Zadaj pytanie
Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

(pokaż minione tury)


  • Drug Chemistry 
  • Environmental Chemistry and Technology *

 * after approval by the Study Curriculum Determination Council

Second-degree studies (4 semesters) are addressed to people who possess diploma of completing first-degree studies in the field of Chemistry or possessing first-degree qualifications (obtained professional title of bachelor, engineer, master, or master engineer) and possessing competences necessary to continue education at second-degree studies in the field of Chemistry. In particular, the candidate should:

  • possess structured knowledge of mathematics, physics, physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry, biochemistry, chemistry of materials, and chemical technology to the extent needed to solve tasks related to chemistry, 
  • possess knowledge and skills in the field of synthesis, purification, separation, composition analysis and determination of the structure of chemical compounds using classic and instrumental methods, 
  • understand the principles of occupational health and safety, rational and safe use of chemicals, as well as legal regulations in the field of managing chemicals,
  • possess knowledge and skills in terms of interpreting, presenting, and documenting the results of a chemical experiment.

The aim of education in the field of chemistry of second-degree studies is:

- preparing specialists possessing advanced knowledge, skills, and social competences in the field of chemical sciences and the specialty,

- preparing specialists possessing knowledge and skills to solve chemical problems, able to discuss chemical topics with both other specialists and non-specialists, as well as demonstrating the ability to organize group work and manage teamwork. 

The education program emphasizes, among others, the ability to combine chemical processes taking place in a broadly understood environment with knowledge of chemistry. The graduate is prepared and possesses experience in laboratory work in the field of chemical analysis and synthesis as well as physicochemical measurements. Moreover, the graduates are ready to undertake education at the Doctoral School.

Specialty Drug Chemistry – the study program of this specialty, in addition to subjects providing chemical education, enables gaining of additional extended knowledge and skills concerning issues such as synthesis, isolation, and identification of pharmacopoeial substances, modern methods of controlled drug release, pharmacopoeial methods of quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals and phytotherapy. Additionally, the student achieves and develops skills in the field of technical English in Chemistry.

Specialty Environmental Chemistry and Technology - the study program of this specialty, in addition to subjects providing chemical education, allows you to acquire additional extended knowledge and skills in the field of environmental chemistry, water and sewage technology, soil remediation and separation techniques for removing pollutants.

The graduates of the 2nd degree Chemistry will obtain an interdisciplinary education: 

  • in the field of chemical sciences, related natural sciences (mathematics, physics), as well as biochemistry and materials engineering, at a level that allows the graduates to meet the requirements of the job market and to work in the various branches of chemical industry, as well as at modern and advanced technical workplaces of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, 
  • covering the knowledge and skills in the field of synthesis, purification, separation, analysis of the composition and determination of the structure of chemical compounds, polymers and metal alloys using classical and instrumental methods, especially useful in the work in research and analytical laboratories of chemical and medical profile with modern and advanced equipment,     
  • covering knowledge of the principles of occupational health and safety, rational and safe use of chemicals and legal regulations in the field of chemical management as well as skills of planning laboratory work and the course of chemical processes with risk minimization,  
  • covering the knowledge and skills in the field of interpretation, presentation and documentation as well as formulating final hypotheses and conclusions from the experiments, tests and chemical analyzes carried out in the team, 
  • covering the skills of creative thinking and solving problems that may occur during the professional work related to making decisions and leading subordinates. 

Why is it worth studying Chemistry at the Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa?  

  • Interesting specialties (Drug Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Technology*) tailored to the needs of the job market,  
  • Possibility of studying in English,
  • Highly qualified and student-friendly staff,
  • Classes are mostly experimental,
  • A modern and still developed didactic base,
  • Access to a well-equipped library, internet databases and the department's computer lab
  • Possibility of personal development within student organizations and research clubs,
  • A wide range of international programs and trips, e.g. as part of the COLOURS European University and the ERASMUS+ program,
  • Scholarships and accommodation at the Dormitory.

Employment Opportunity

The graduates of 2nd degree Chemistry:

  • the most talented, with special predispositions to conduct scientific research, have the possibility of further education and continuing their studies at the Doctoral School,  
  • they can work in many sectors of the business as managers - from education and science to industry and administration,
  • they can work in chemical, cosmetic and pharmacological laboratories, both industrial and research, as well as in industrial plants of the chemical and food sectors, as managers or experts,
  • they can professionally fulfill in the marketing and sales departments of companies operating in the chemical, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, biomedical and related fields. 

Qualification criteria

Diploma of completing first-degree studies in the field of Chemistry or another related field of study at least of the first-degree (a related field is considered to be a field of study that is assigned to the field of exact and natural sciences in the discipline of chemical sciences) and a possession of the following specific competences necessary to continue education at second-degree studies in the field of Chemistry.

In particular, the candidate should:

  • possess structured knowledge of mathematics, physics, physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry, biochemistry, chemistry of materials, and chemical technology to the extent needed to solve tasks related to chemistry,
  • possess knowledge and skills in the field of synthesis, purification, separation, composition analysis and determination of the structure of chemical compounds using classic and instrumental methods,
  • understand the principles of occupational health and safety, rational and safe use of chemicals, as well as legal regulations in the field of managing chemicals,
  • possess knowledge and skills in terms of interpreting, presenting, and documenting the results of a chemical experiment.

It is possible to take up teaching specialization in second-degree Chemistry after completing the teaching specialization in first-degree studies in Chemistry.

Qualification is based on a ranking list prepared on the basis of the arithmetic mean of all grades obtained during first-degree studies, detailed in the diploma supplement.

  • Grade average from completed 1st degree studies

Candidates applying for admission to studies will be referred for medical examinations to an occupational medicine doctor. If any contraindications to study are found, the candidate may not apply for admission to this field of study.